Shree Patel Seva Samaj – Rajkot is a well-known organization of Kadva Patidar Community and it is very active and functional since last 40 years in variety of Educational, Social and Health related activities. Shree Arvindbhai C. Patel is serving as President of the Organization.
A mobile application is developed which includes information about all the organizations in India and even in foreign countries, run by Kadva Patel community. The detail includes Name of organizations, Addresses, Contact Numbers and different activities held by the organizations.
The application namely, ‘Shree Patel Seva Samaj” contains the below given details:
• Kadva Patidar Temples all around the world
• Magazines published by different Kadva Patel organizations
• Social Organizations managed by Kadva Patidar community
• Educational Institutes and universities run by Kadva Patel Community
• Kadva Patel Samaj, Gujarati Samaj and Guest House across Saurashtra, Gujarat, India and in Foreign countries
• Heathcare Organizations run by Kadva Patidar Community
• Annual Calendar for activities and occasions of Kadva Patel Community
• Trustee and Executive committee members of ‘Shree Patel Seva Samaj’ – Rajkot
什里·帕特尔塞瓦社会报 - 拉杰果德是Kadva Patidar社区的一个著名的组织,这是自去年40年的各种教育,社会和健康相关的活动非常活跃和功能。斯里阿尔文德巴伊·C·帕特尔被作为组织主席。
•Kadva Patidar寺庙在世界各地
•通过Kadva Patidar社区管理的社会团体。
•健康关怀组织通过Kadva Patidar社区运行
•的“什里·帕特尔塞瓦社会报”受托人和执行委员会成员 - 拉杰果德